Monthly Meetings
There are 4 meetings held each month: 2 lunches at Round Hill Country Club and social hour appetizer meetings. Luncheon meetings host gueset speakers who cover topics of the day.
Rotary Club International has a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, and leaders who volunteer their skills and resources to solve issues and address community needs.
Alamo Rotary invites you to join our club!
To apply, fill out the form below!
General Membership
$325 per yr
can be paid by cc, cash or check. Does not include meals at all meetings.
There are 4 meetings held each month: 2 lunches at Round Hill Country Club and social hour appetizer meetings. Luncheon meetings host gueset speakers who cover topics of the day.
Guests wanting to join need a sponsor/mentor to guide them to gain knowledge of what Alamo Rotary and International Rotary does.
Alamo Rotary conducts an annual Easter Egg Hunt, sponsors Cub Packs, and Meals on Wheels, RotaCare Free Medical Clinics in Pittsburgh and Richmond, and beautification of main roads of Alamo, Christmas tree lighting, Valentines and Christmas parties, and Six Club Dinner.
Internationally Alamo Rotary provides Rotary International Foundation Global Grants, Wheelchair Foundation, water and sanitation projects in Tanzania, kidney dialysis in Thailand, and Polio Plus immunization projects.